Increased Measurement Efficiency Reduces Lead Times!
We invite you to attend this 25-minute webinar presented by Janet Lim, Process Engineer at Edmund Optics®, Singapore. At the end of this webinar, attendees will have a strong understanding of:
How computer-generated holograms (CGHs) improve efficiency of asphere measurement
Solutions for challenges experienced during CGH metrology
How CGHs can be integrated into corrective polishing processes to shorten manufacturing process time and increase precision
Janet Lim
Janet Lim is an R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics® Singapore. She develops fabrication and metrology processes for the production of aspheric lenses, introducing concepts during research and development and then scaling them for volume production. She received a Master of Science degree in Physics from the National University of Singapore.
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High-End Asphere Design for Manufacturability Watch
Solving the Steep Challenges of Coating Aspheres Watch
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