
Edmund Optics®



資料センター 参考資料 (1520)

The Future Depends on Optics

Optics and the manipulation of light are critical for countless applications that save lives and improve quality of life across the world

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Working Distance and Focal Length Basics

Working distance and focal length are two of the most fundamental parameters of any imaging system. Learn more in this hands-on video demo.

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Imaging Performance of Telecentric Lenses

Telecentric lenses eliminate perspective and measurement error, and are ideal for measurement and gauging applications.

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Are you trying to measure the performance of your lens? Although this can be a difficult task, there are curves that can help. Read more at Edmund Optics.

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Want to know more about microscopes? Learn about the different components used to build a microscope, key concepts, and specifications at Edmund Optics.

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Confocal Microscopy

Confocal microscopy provides high resolution, elimination of out-of-focus glare due to spatial filtering, and reduction of light-induced damage to the sample.

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Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy is ideal for capturing high-resolution 3D images with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity compared to confocal microscopy.

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レーザーコンポーネントにおけるレーザー誘起損傷閾値 (LIDT) の理解と規定

レーザーコンポーネントにおけるレーザー誘起損傷閾値 (LIDT) の理解と規定について。各ビームにおけるレーザー強度、様々な損傷メカニズムについて。

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Many lasers are assumed to have a Gaussian profile, and understanding Gaussian beam propagation is crucial for predicting real-world performance of lasers.

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Optical coatings are used to influence the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component.

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Basics of Ultrafast Lasers

Master the fundamentals of ultrafast lasers and how to choose optics that can withstand their high powers and short pulse durations.

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Learn how to navigate the many available options for shaping the irradiance profile and phase of laser beams to maximize your laser system's performance.

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光学レンズやミラー、ウインドウの製品群に最も共通した製造や仕上げ、及び材料に関する仕様の説明。 製造上の仕様:直径公差・中心厚公差・曲率半径・偏芯・平行度・角度公差・面取り・有効径。 外観上の仕様:表面品質、平面度、パワー、イレギュラリティ、面粗さ。 材料上の仕様:屈折率、アッベ数、レーザー耐力。

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Introduction to Optical Prisms

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Want to know more about the Modular Transfer Function? Learn about the components, understanding, importance, and characterization of MTF at Edmund Optics.

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Lens Geometry Performance Comparison

This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.

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Understanding Surface Roughness

Surface roughness describes how a shape deviates from its ideal form. This is critical for controlling light scatter in laser devices and other optical systems.

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1951 USAF Resolution Calculator

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An achromat singlet

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Laser damage, a new US standard: What is in it for me?

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Creating sub angstrom surfaces on planar and spherical substrates

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Sub-angstrom surface roughness metrology with the white light interferometer

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Mid-spatial frequency errors of mass-produced aspheres

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Statistical simplex approach to primary and secondary color correction in thick lens assemblies

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Thick lens chromatic effective focal length variation versus bending

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