Join us for a discussion to understand why Telecentric Lenses are beneficial for a variety of applications, including metrology, gauging, CCD based measurement, or microlithography.
We invite you to join this 40 minute webinar presented by Kok Xian Lee, the solutions engineer at Edmund Optics Singapore Pte. Ltd. Learn about the benefits of Telecentric Lenses and useful tips for using them for best possible performance in your application.
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will have a strong understanding around:
Kok Xian is a solutions engineer specializing in imaging solutions at Edmund Optics Singapore. With more than 5 years of experience in imaging lenses, he has assisted many customers in this region with their imaging systems. If you contact Edmund Optics Singapore for assistance on imaging, Kok Xian would be one of the main contacts you will be liaising with. He received a Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
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