UltraFast Innovations (UFI)
World-Class, High-Precision Laser Optics
UltraFast Innovations GmbH (UFI) is a premium manufacturer of high-performance laser optics, including dispersive ultrafast mirrors, chirped mirror pairs, low-loss high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) mirrors, and UV optics. They are a spin-off from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. UFI’s coating capabilities cover wavelengths ranging from soft X-rays (XUV) to the infrared (IR). UFI’s proprietary coating technology can achieve challenging specifications for demanding laser applications such as ultrafast pulse compression, low-loss high-LIDT mirrors, multi-band broadband beamsplitters, and UV optics. UFI’s unique dispersive technology allows the generation of the shortest laser pulses available on the market. Edmund Optics® (EO) provides UFI products in-stock and ready to ship, and our global network also provides access to customized UFI products tailored for your application. Expert consulting is available to guide you through highly-challenging laser optics problems.
もしくは 現地オフィス一覧をご覧ください
Copyright 2023, エドモンド・オプティクス・ジャパン株式会社
[東京オフィス] 〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-24 パシフィックスクエア千石 4F
[秋田工場] 〒012-0801 秋田県湯沢市岩崎字壇ノ上3番地